
Member Engagement Group

Join the Member Engagement Group for a behind the scenes look at your cooperative.

Eric Peterson of Grey Eagle, joined the Member Engagement Group in 2017 because he wanted to get more information about his Co-op – to see how it all worked. The Member Engagement Group (MEG) was just what he was looking for because it exists to give member-consumers a chance to do just that. At each meeting, it is our goal to provide new and valuable information about what is happening at the Cooperative and the ways in which we can serve you. The Member Engagement Group is also a resource for our management team, a sounding board if you will, to gather thoughts on new ideas and evaluation of exisiting services.

“Even with 18 years experience in the utility industry, I didn’t realize how much it cost for the Co-op to do its work or purchase its equipment. For example, the tree trimming project, to me it is mind blowing how many dollars it takes to trim trees away from power lines across the Stearns Electric service territory. It was also very interesting to learn how computerized the Co-op has become on the plant side of the business. The data they collect and use for detecting outages and other issues from self reading meters alone is impressive,” Eric shared. “Participating in the group really showed how the board and management team have the members’ best interest in mind. I look at the new project of changing out all of the safety lights to LEDs. The amount of savings that it is showing on paper is astounding! That is happening because of a proactive group wanting to reduce outages and reduce spending.”

Serving on the committee is a two year commitment, a total of 8 meetings. Meetings are typically held on the second Wednesday of September, November, February, and May at 6:30 p.m. A light supper is provided. In return for their participation, members on the committee receive a $50 honorarium for each meeting they attend in addition to mileage reimbursement. “I would recommend to anyone to spend two years on the MEG. It is only 8 meetings! One of the greatest learning experiences I have ever had,” Eric encouraged.

There are limited spots each year on this committee. If you are interested in joining, visit and apply. If you have questions you can call our office during business hours at (800) 962-0655 or email the Member Engagement Group Coordinator at
