To serve as responsible stewards of the generosity of Stearns Electric Association member-consumers and distribute grant funds in a manner that enhances the overall quality of life in our local community.
- Support non-profit organizations, programs, events and causes that serve as important assets to the communities where our member-consumers live, work and play.
- Provide contributions to a range of causes including, but not limited to, environmental, education, youth, veteran and health-based programs.
- Support non-profit organizations, programs, events and causes designed to combat critical social problems in Central Minnesota.
- Support non-profit organizations, programs, events and causes that enhance the cultural environment throughout our service territory.
- Provide contributions to non-profit organizations offering hardship relief, such as food shelves, emergency assistance programs, and disaster relief programs, among others.
- Funding requests will be considered based on need, priority to the Stearns Electric service territory and availability of funds.
- Contributions to each grantee shall be limited to once per calendar year.
- Exceptions can be made by the Trust Board to exceed the general funding guidelines so as not to exceed the annual limits set forth in the ORU Trust Board Bylaws – Article XXVI “Amount of Expenditures”.
- Religious Organizations for Religious Purposes (please see Faith-Based Organization Policy)
- Endowments
- Feasibility Studies
- Political Organizations/Political Campaigns
- Fraternal/Labor Organizations
- Stipends for Volunteers
- Conferences, Symposiums or Workshops
- Mileage/Transportation expenses (including mileage reimbursement, field trips, etc.)
- National Fund Drives
- Already Completed Projects
- Operation Round Up® applications must be completed in full by the deadline, as listed on the Operation Round Up® Grant Application webpage.
- Applicants might be contacted by a representative(s) of the Trust Board prior to the grant distribution meetings to collect additional information.
- Checks are made payable to and mailed to the organization or individual listed on the Operation Round Up® Funding Application. If a check is made payable to an individual, additional paperwork is required.
See the Complete ORU Operating Guidelines here.