Capital Credits
A membership advantage: You share in our success
Stearns Electric Association refunds capital, above the cost of operations, to its members in the form of Capital Credits. Members receive Capital Credit checks* every year, as long as the Cooperative’s financial status is healthy. Capital Credit payments are quantifiable proof that you are a member of a successful, effective organization. As a member of Stearns Electric, you are automatically eligible for Capital Credits, there is nothing additional that you need to do to be eligible or to enroll.
*Checks are only mailed out if they are $10 or higher. If your annual Capital Credit return is less than $10, the Cooperative will automatically rollover your return to the next year. New members may not see a check until they are a member for a varying length of time, based on the amount of electricity that is purchased.
Please review our Frequently Asked Questions for more information regarding Capital Credits.
Capital Credits – Contact Information Update Form
Each year, funds that were not claimed or returned by the Post Office are sent back to the Cooperative. We need your help locating the members that these unclaimed Capital Credits belong to. Any information you can provide regarding the location of these members is greatly appreciated.