
Stearns Electric Receives New ERA Funding

Stearns Electric Association Receives New ERA Funding

January 10, 2025

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Empowering Rural America (New ERA) program announced a new round of investments today, of which Stearns Electric Association, in consortium with our wholesale power provider, Great River Energy, and several other electric distribution cooperatives in Minnesota, received funding.

The New ERA investment will allow Stearns Electric Association, in partnership with GRE, to procure 10 megawatts of clean, renewable energy and add 16 megawatts to the GRE virtual power plant in rural Minnesota. The clean renewable energy will power nearly 1,720 homes each year.

Participation in the virtual power plant reduces reliance on the wholesale market and provides opportunities to secure additional capacity while lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

The New ERA grant will save Stearns Electric Association over $2.3 million, or nearly $83 per member, in capital costs.

“Stearns Electric Association is proud to move forward with the New ERA Grant process,” CEO Matt O’Shea said. “Without grant funding through USDA, this project would not be financially practical for Stearns Electric member-consumers. Working with our power supplier, Great River Energy, we will be able to create a virtual power plant and install solar on our distribution system to support our member-consumers and our state.”

More information regarding this project and New ERA funding will be posted on our website and shared in our monthly Power Connection newsletter in the coming months.

You can read the full news release on the USDA’s website.

